Navigating Monstrous Spaces in the Dystopian Novel Before She Sleeps

Navigating Monstrous Spaces in the Dystopian Novel Before She Sleeps


  • Aleena Shahzad National University of Modern Languages,Islamabad


City, Urban Space, Bodies, Monster, Technology, Gender


This paper demonstrates that Before She Sleeps portrays Green City as a monstrous space where female spaces are jeopardized and cultivate other monsters in the forms of sexuality and technology. It attempts to explain that Green City is festering different monsters which make female spaces more claustrophobic and it is analyzed with the theoretical insights from the Monster Theory. This study also analyzes that the violent monstrous culture of Green City is brushing aside the individuality of the females. They are forced to seek refuge in the technological world with false hope to get relief from the monstrous city but entered into other spaces where their bodies absorb pain at the hands of patriarchy. In the novel, Green City with its monstrous corporeal or incorporeal outlook is constantly keeping an eye on the everyday spaces of females and it affected them perpetually. I analyze that the monstrous city space has different psychic contours that affected the emotional and cognitive pattern of the females and it corroborates with the idea of Psychogeography which is jelled in the main nexus of Monster theory to amplify the female spaces. My study also analyses that female bodies are reduced to periphery and invisibility and this concern is voiced by the notion of body and space where their own identity is nullified at the hands of patriarchy.


